A Bit About Us

Currently based in Southland, NZ, Jodie and Shea are raising their young family alongside Jodie’s first baby WebDesignIT.

WebDesignIT has been growing since 2007, first growing business in Australia, on the Gold Coast, and then Perth, and surrounding areas. At the same time the business was growing clients throughout New Zealand.

The online world and modern technology makes it extremely easy for us to work with clients worldwide. With video messaging software like Skype and Zoom for meetings we very rarely need to meet in person unless we can and then it’s always nice to have a cuppa and connect.

Jodie now has a couple of guys who help with the behind the scenes work allowing her to juggle all other areas of life, but Jodie still remains the face, and heart of the business.


Meet Jodie

Jodie Ross

Bachelor of Digital Media (BDM)

I believe in doing it right the first time! Growing up on a large farm in NZ taught me great work ethic, it’s always kept me grounded and I love having my bare feet planted deep in mother nature, usually on the Beach or in the Ocean. After 3 years study I was qualified with my Degree in Digital Media and spent the next 10+ years living in Australia, working in the web design industry and learning all the tricks of the trade from many avenues. I love learning, continually researching and if there is something I don’t know, I seek to find the answers – I’ve always been the inquisitive type.

I feel extremely lucky to have worked in the past for 2 large web design companies in Australia who had big emphasis on growth, through training of staff and developing their business model to continually improve services to their clients, and I was then able to provide similar services to my clients. They’ve allowed me to work on hundreds of web projects for companies all over the world which has provided experience, skills and opportunity. When it comes to web design I feel blessed to have a strong intuition which does help when listening, understanding and interpreting a clients ideas and purpose to make that vision come to life.

I absolutely love watching a clients vision come to fruition and grow into existence.”

Web Design IT

Ready to Talk?

do you have a big idea we can help with?