I am so grateful to be in such a supportive, loving relationship

It’s adding so much value to every area of my life and I highly recommend finding a positive, healthy, vibing relationship!

Deep and meaningful relationships do play a big role in your overall well-being. There are different highs and lows to expect when running your own business and it’s not that different to life really, you have to learn to surf that wave of ups and downs. I was having a week where I was starting to fill with self doubt and had been working so hard but felt like I was treading water. I’m sure you can relate!

That was when there was an unexpected knock at the door, as a huge grin took over my face and I just about fell over in shock, a man presented me with the most beautiful bunch of flowers I’ve ever received. So thoughtful to be Pink Roses, my most favourite flowers ever, just to brighten my day and brighten the office! I feel so grateful to have such a loving, supportive partner who wrote a little card to remind me of all I’ve achieved:

“To my darling Jodie,
I am so very proud of you and all that you have achieved with your business, you are a very special lady.
Lots of love forever and always, Shea.”

I’m just sharing this so you are reminded that all your positive words and actions do make a massive difference, this loving act changed my week and mindset instantly!

Supportive Relationship