Merry Christmas

Setting SMART Goals

    Another year has disappeared in a puff of smoke. Christmas is an interesting time of year, I see people rushing about shopping centres stressed, spending lots of money and only adding more stress. I want to remind you not to become one of these people wrapped up in the rush and stress that society has created, instead wrap yourself up in love and stillness.

    I urge you to use your holiday period to relax and reflect, look back at 2016 and feel proud of everything you’ve accomplished. Reflect back and look at what didn’t get ticked off the goals board and add it to the list for 2017.

    It’s a great time to set new intentions for everything you want to achieve in 2017 and write down your goals, create a new vision board and pop it up on your wall… Its more powerful to actually write down your goals than just telling a friend.

    Create some stillness these holidays and go and sit in nature, slow down and reconnect, join a Yoga class or go for a swim in the ocean. Try a new activity you’ve never done before, a new year brings in new, exciting energy.

    I’m really looking forward to 2017 where we have lots of exciting things coming up and news to share with you in the new year, so stay tuned!